We Do Not Overcome The Error Of Believing In A Separate Self By Positing A Greater Self

We do not overcome the error of believing in a separate self by positing a greater self.
The emptiness that Buddhism speaks of is directed to the error of believing in separate existence inherent in self, and that is not overcome by raising the error to a higher level, super consciousness, or another plane of existence.
A greater Self is a greater error. It arises because our conceptual mind needs an entity to hold onto, so it creates a knowing consciousness to fill the role of that which observes what’s happening, mirroring the now transparently false structure that we once depended on for our own identity, once it is seen through in meditation.
But these conceptualizations obscure the truth that one can experience directly, and non-conceptually, in unitive meditational imperience. There are no words, nor metaphors, that can truly describe what remains conceptually and intelligibly unknowable, but which one obscures by words and metaphors when lacking the required unitive meditational imperience.