Giving the Title of This Great Sutra, so as to Reveal Its Importance, Its Aim and Availability and Perfect Accommodation.

At this time, Manjusri, Prince of the Lord’s Dharma rose in his place, bowed down to the Lord Buddha and addressed him, saying: Our Blessed Lord! What shall we call this Instruction, so that we and all future disciples may study it intelligently and observe its teachings?

The Lord Buddha replied: Manjusri! This Sutra should be designated as The Lord Buddha’s Crown of Siddhartha Pdara; or the Pure and Ocean-wide Eye of all the Tathagatas of the Ten Quarters; or as the Relationship-Cause of the Emancipation of Ananda and the Bhikshuna Pchiti, so that they Acquired their Enlightenment of Mind and entered into the Ocean of Omniscience; or as the Perfect Teaching of the Practices and Attainments of the Tathagata’s Secret Path; or as the Great, Immense and All-embracing Kingship of the Wonderful Lotus; or as the Great Dharani of the Buddhas of the Ten Quarters; or as the Initiating Lectures which Elucidate the Permanent Dhyana Practice of all the Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas.

Manjusri! As you read this Great Sutra which I have interpreted with great care, you should consider and study all these different titles, for each has its significance.

ཨེ་མ་ཧོ། ཕན་ནོ་ཕན་ནོ་སྭཱཧཱ།

As the Lord Buddha finished his instruction as recorded in this exceedingly long Sutra, there was great rejoicing in the hearts of all those present, bhikshus and bhikshuni, lay disciples of both sexes, the heavenly Devas and Asuras, Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas of both this world and all the ten quarters of the universe, Pratyaka-buddhas, Arhats, divine Gods, super-natural Cherubim, of the heavenly realms, newly converted mighty Gods. All made sincere and humble obeisance to the Lord Buddha and departed with grateful and joyful hearts.

ཨེ་མ་ཧོ། ཕན་ནོ་ཕན་ནོ་སྭཱཧཱ།
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