February 26, 2020

Hello, I have some links to the new articles, and a few poems, that were published in Tranquillity’s Secret this month. But first, I want to mention that a statement about the causes of the recent Corona virus outbreak in China and Tibet, and what people can recite and do about it, was released on Facebook — in Tibetan and Chinese only — by the supreme head of the Jonang lineage and Kalacakra master, Kyabje Jigme Dorje Rinpoche, on February 7, 2020. Adele Zangmo, on the Shentong Kalacakra Dakini Translations and Publications website (a link is given below), posted an English translation of his statement.

The mantra he shares is taken from the prediction made by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö: “The Light That Makes Things Clear: A Prophecy of Things to Come,” (“ma ‘ongs lung bstan gsal byed sgron me zhes bya ba bzhugs so”) that was posted in Tranquillity’s Secret back in September of 2018. Adele also shared a link to the prediction, which includes the original Tibetan mantra, in case people wanted to place it on their body as Chökyi Lodrö specified. The original Tranquillity’s Secret article link is given below.

Facebook post (in Chinese and Tibetan) link: https://www.facebook.com/jonangtaiwan/photos/a.265362557133436/1082220295447654/?type=3&theater

Article with Chökyi Lodrö’s prediction: http://bit.ly/TheLightThatMakesThingsClear

Shentong Kalacakra post by Adele Zangmo link: https://www.shentongkalacakra.com/2020/02/09/head-of-the-jonang-lineage-kyabje-jigme-dorje-rinpoche-on-the-causes-of-the-corona-virus-outbreak-and-the-recitation-of-the-mantra-revealed-by-jamyang-khyentse-chokyi-lodro/

This month I added a poem (The Peregrination of Heroic Progress) and an important article (Do Not Try to Suppress Anything) in the Practices section, and two articles (What is a Spiritual Insight and How Does it Occur? and Awareness Is Unlike A Mirror), as well as two poems (Confusion Abounds and There Is A Way Of Seeing The World Different) to the Insights section.

In the hope that all beings be comforted — no longer suffering in fear, resentment or anger.


ཨེ་མ་ཧོ། ཕན་ནོ་ཕན་ནོ་སྭཱཧཱ།

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