May you find beauty in each of your days,
And the acceptance of being loved by all those precious to you.
May you enjoy the simple comfort of home,
And the warmth and respect of all those you meet.
May your feet never stumble in their travels,
Nor hesitate to strike out on new paths.
May your hands always find the touch of another within reach,
And have the power to heal any rift.
May your sorrows be few,
And your moments of joy plentiful.
May your body always be enriched by health,
And your mind always be clear of doubt,
So that your heart beats without worry.
May your legs always find a dance within them,
And your voice always be heard in song,
So that the entire world vibrates to your music.
May the light in your eyes show the way for countless others,
So that they too share in these gifts.
And may you find the peace that comes
From having stayed true to your inner bearing
Through all the moments that are gifted to you.